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Energy Policy & Economics Group

Market Definition and Transformation

Market definition and outreach activities are critical to the technology procurement programs that Energy Policy & Economics (EP&E) manages for DOE, utilities, and others. With access to the latest market research tools and approaches and opportunities to design and deliver marketing programs, we are uniquely qualified to identify, analyze, and address market issues to determine how a particular technology, product, or service might be designed or refined and delivered to the market. We have developed and trained numerous groups on software and procedures to facilitate technology deployment-to help answer critical cost and performance questions.

Our ongoing work introducing new technologies and programs for customers has given us an in-depth understanding of energy technologies such as building systems, appliances, and lighting and the markets they serve. Our experience has shown that the best way to design, manage, and continually improve all aspects of the programs we manage is to get strategically involved in the market with the product and service users.

For example, market outreach was critical in identifying DOE's sub-CFLs as a product category that had high potential for a technology procurement based on our market investigations. Our outreach efforts involved coordinating with lighting manufacturers and large buyer groups and developing a web site for ordering. One of the key services we provide is training for building officials, contractors, architects, and engineers on energy codes and code compliance tools. We make the best use of our training programs by also collecting feedback on products and services in order to continually improve our services. These training sessions and other interactions with user groups allow us to produce off-the-shelf training programs and support materials that can be used by a wide set of users.

Our training extends to DOE's National Workshop on State Building Energy Codes, which we manage and facilitate annually. Attended by over 1100 individuals in the past 9 years, the conference brings together officials involved in energy code programs to learn about the latest program approaches and efficient technologies.

Market Definition and Transformation

We also provide training for the Facility Energy Decision System (FEDS) software, which identifies energy-efficiency measure, selecting minimum life-cycle cost technologies, determining payback, and enabling users to prioritize retrofit options and compare alternative financing options (site funding, leases, loans, etc.). EP&E teaches introductory and advanced classes to help FEDS users learn both the basics and intricacies of this software. We have trained more than 350 federal, local, and private-sector facilities managers in FEDS and conducted other courses such as water resources management and operations and maintenance.

EP&E staff helped develop residential and commercial code compliance software, REScheck™ and COMcheck™, and markets them to help building officials, builders, architects, engineers and others demonstrate compliance with energy codes. Detailed input on user needs and software enhancements gathered through training sessions, a web site, email surveys, and trade conferences.

For further information on Market Definition and Transformation, contact Linda Sandahl, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), at (509) 375-2609.

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