Microeconomic, Natural Resource, Environmental, Regional and Socio Economic Modeling
EP&E economic analysis team provides customized economic analysis at each local, state regional, national and global level. We inform decision makers across these levels in many ways. EP&E experts conduct modeling and analyses of the economic opportunities and consequences facing our rich endowment of natural resources. EP&E staffs conduct studies and projects through application of existing economic models or development of new models to properly characterize the resources in question and estimate economic effects from actions or policies.

Microeconomic Modeling: Estimate and predict the microeconomic and energy consequences of technology adoption and adaptation, especially as these apply to industrial, transportation, and building energy use. Tools include the Jaccard/Roop Industrial Technology Energy Modeling System (ITEMS).
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics: Apply the economic theory to analyze natural resource use and protection. We understand the critical relationship between economic activities and nature. We use this knowledge to offer the policymakers tools and analyses that help making better and wiser decisions. Our capabilities include a number of economists with expertise in assessing the value of natural resources and of environmental damage. EP&E economic analysis team use methods and tools such as travel cost, contingent valuation, hedonic analysis, ecological economics, real options and benefit transfer. Example of customized natural resources economic models is the agriculture-water-climate model, energy-water-agriculture models, and environmental systems-dynamics models.
Socio Economic Impact: Analyze and predict the impact of policies, projects, and programs by both private and public entities on local, regional, and national employment, income, tax yields, housing, public services, etc. Tools include input-output, social accounting matrices, general equilibrium, and econometric modeling.
Regional Economics: Economists at the EP&E group has participated in many and varied economic studies centered on Pacific Northwest and other regions' economic activities and impacts. Pacific Northwest region has unique natural resource issues involving large forests, fisheries, water, agriculture, and renewable energy sources. In addition, the tourism and recreation industry activities affect the region's growth, household's income levels and employment rates. Tools include regional climate change models, regional economic impact models (regional I/O, IMPLAN, RIM S, and custom models).
For further information on Microeconomic, Natural Resource, Environmental, Regional and Socio Economic Modeling, contact Dave M. Anderson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), at (509) 375-6781.
PNNL Estimates the Economic Impacts of Federal R&D Investments flyer